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Tarangire National Park

Elephant extravaganza in africa
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Elephant extravaganza in africa

The name of the park comes from "Tarangire River", which is the main source of water, supporting wildlife and different vegetation. With the stunning massive baobabs, the landscape of Tarangire is exclusive compared to other parks in the country.

africa elephant zoo

Tarangire you will be able to encounter various animals. This park is home to one of the largeset elephant populations in Africa with several herds of up to 300 members per herd. In addition, there are large numbers of impalas, elands, buffaloes, giraffes, Bohor reedbuck, Coke’s hartebeest, Thompson’s gazelle, the greater and lesser kudu and on rare occasions, A few black rhinos are also thought to be still present in this park. You will obviously see big numbers of elephants gather here as well as the wildebeests and zebras.

what to do inside Tarangire National Park


Photographic Safari

Vibrant color is everywhere, from the crimson colors of insects to the dense green forests, to the turquoise water and creatures that roam free and train your lens skyward to capture the beauty and freedom of rare birds in flight.

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Walking safari

This beautiful experience can be done in Many Tanzania national parks also in different protected areas , At Adventure Travelling Ltd will prepare a good arrangement for you to enjoy and experience this activity.

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