Terms & Condition


The signature of a quotation from At Adventure Travelling Ltd implies acceptance of these terms and conditions which take effect immediately. Adventure Travelling Ltd organises your trip according to your wishes.

We will offer you on average within 48 hours a quote containing your travel program and its firm and final price, fees, taxes and services included. Beyond the validity date of the quote, we will provide you with a new quote if certain terms and conditions should be changed.

Payment Method

The signed quote implies acceptance of the proposed program as well as the price. A 30% deposit is required at the time of booking in order to fully secure your reservation and hotels. At Adventure Travelling Ltd Company will also require full payment for all airline tickets made through At Adventure Travelling Ltd Company.

The remaining 70% of the balance of the cost of your tour is payable 30 days prior to departure. The reservation will be cancelled if the balance is not paid by the due date If the reservation is made within 30 days before departure, the full price of the trip must be paid at the time of confirmation. We will send you a paid invoice as soon as the entire stay is paid.  

CLaim & Refund

No refunds are made for any missed service, except in verifiable extenuating circumstances, For verifiable claims to be considered, they must be received in writing 30 days prior to the start of the tour.   Any adjustment envisaged will be based on the actual price of the service concerned and not on a per-duration basis.


The customer will not be able to claim any compensation if the cancellation of the trip is imposed by circumstances of force major for reasons relating to the safety of travellers. In this case, we will refund all sums paid

Acceptance of these Terms

Acceptance of a quotation from Adventure Travelling Ltd Company constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions which take effect immediately.

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